Identifing Steven A. Rebeck Works

Many of Steven A. Rebeck's sculptures are identified by his initials or name. Some, however, lack any inscription depending on the decision of the client or perhaps foundry. Rebeck's work is primarily in bronze, although some are painted plaster, granite and two known to be in aluminum.

Plaques usually have the identification of "S.A. Rebeck" on the lapel or lower shoulder of the bust. Sometimes it is followed by "SC" for sculptor. There is typically a connecting line underneath from the "k" to the "R."


Nathan Hale Plaque (both images above)


John Marshall Plaque


Horace Carr Plaque

At times the underline stroke is absent:

Franklin Roosevelt Plaque

A few works have been found with simply letters, such as SAR or SR with and without periods.

Rev. Nicholas Monaghan Plaque


Rev. Ponikvar Plaque


Penton Medal

On granite or stone work, the signature is likely at the base or foot:

St. Joseph the Provider

In one instance, a free standing plaque attributes a work to Rebeck:

Alliance War Memorial