This is a listing of Rebeck artwork referenced by name but not yet found. Unless informed otherwise, these items are not duplicated under Works or Unidentified Works. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Frank Ward, bust, superintendent of the Brotherhood Club (Steven Rebeck's patron) Cleveland Topics, July 1, 1916
A plaster panel for this (Brotherhood) club, adorned with the figure of an angel, in the shadow of whose wings two men clasp hands, and bearing the inscription, “To Thine Own Self Be True.” Cleveland Topics, July 1, 1916
This group is of entries to Cleveland May Shows which were not accepted for competition. Years of submission and class types are included as per entry forms:
John H., portrait relief Class 16 sculpture 1922
Faun's Head - Class 17 sculpture 1924, 1927
Annetta R. Frye - Class 18 medal 1924, 1925
Miss Georgia Goddard - Class 18 medal 1924, 1925
Wm A Arnold - Class 17 Bust Portrait 1925
Louis Motto - Class 17 sculpture 1925
Benjamin R. Johnson - Class 17 1925
John W. Nichols - Artist - Class 17 sculpture 1927
Sketch of Lincoln, study for full size model, Class 17 sculpture, for sale in bronze 1927
Promethus, in bronze Class 15 1931
In Memoriam, in bronze Class 15 1931 (See entry under Works}
Orpheus, in bronze Class 15 1931
Miss Eloise Parker, Class 17 medallion 1931
Head of Pan, Class 15 sculpture 1933
Fountain Figure - girl holding leave with frog Class 15 plaster model 1934
Bust of Spencer T. Richter of the Fine Arts Review - Cleveland Topics, March 10, 1923
Dr. Hudson Fowler, Jr bronze plaque ca. 1950's? approximately 20x30 inches honoring co-founder of Euclid (OH) Clinic Foundation. Once seen by Dave Rebeck, but with hospital consolidations, is no longer extant for viewing.
Blaushield, elder The Sculptor Program #159 local Cleveland Radio script 1962
A Priest from Buffalo The Sculptor Program #159 local Cleveland Radio script 1962
Bulldog symbols for the Mack Truck - The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) newspaper October 1, 1971
Stanton Addams, Judge, East Cleveland, OH - The Plain Dealer newspaper October 1, 1971
Dr. Martin Luther King - The Plain Dealer newspaper, Sept 21, 1975 p.8-c
Cole Porter, song composer - The Plain Dealer newspaper, Sept 21, 1975 p.8-c
Ernie Pyle, war correspondent - The Plain Dealer newspaper, Sept 21, 1975 p.8-c