Franklin D. Roosevelt Plaque (1933)
Steven Rebeck sculpted this plaque in 1933, possibly funded by the New Deal
Public Works of Art Project (December 1933 to June 1934). The same portrait using the New Deal title NRA (National Recovery Act) is also dated 1933. The image below belongs to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. It is difficult to find because damage on the plaque leaves the inscription as SA BECK instead of SA REBECK. The original plaster casting is pictured in Steven Rebeck's studio and a similar one from his estate below.
Another plaque using the same sculpted relief bust was labeled on top: Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago. ILL.1933 It was a World's Fair commemorating the advancements of science and manufacturing during the 100th anniversary of the founding of Chicago. Roosevelt thought it such a success it continued during the summer of 1934. Rebeck's signature is above the name "Franklin." This plaque was in Rebeck's estate along with an original casting of the bust relief, below.